On Thursday, a new seismometer station was inaugurated in the Cathedral of Aachen, Germany. The station is part of the regional network of the state’s geological survey. During recent reconstruction works, we discovered damages in the cathedral that date back to around AD 800. Cracked walls and repaired floors clearly pointed to earthquake damage. Check out these two papers for more info. Then, the idea came up to install a seismometer directly in the cellar of the Cathedral to monitor seismicity and we are quite happy that its ready now!
R.I.P. “seismic cycle” and “characteristic earthquake”?
In a recent opinion piece in SRL, Kagan, Jackson and Geller ask to get rid of things like characteristic earthquakes and seismic cycle. They claim that these terms are obsolete and would imply wrong assumptions, statistics have proven these concepts to be wrong. What do you think?
Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
Have you ever heard about CORSSA? It’s the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis and its goal is to “promote excellence in statistical seismology by providing the knowledge and resources necessary to understand and implement the best practices.” Good idea, check their website for info on statistical seismology!
Earthquake environmental effects of the Myanmar M6.8 event of 11 November
Dave’s landslide blog reported on lateral spread and other environmental effects following the M6.8 earthquake that hit Myanmar on 11 November. It looks like the right lateral Sagaing Fault was active… By the way – why do people always stand in surface cracks?
EGU Open Access Journals
I think that high-quality open access journals will become more and more important in the future. It is possible to keep an excellent scientific level without charging readers. I mean, autors pay for publication of tax paid research results, reviewers work for free, and then the reader pays for the papers. How crazy is that? I don’t want to do advertising for the EGU here, there are many others, but they have some good open access journals of high quality, like NHESS.
New book – The million death quake
Roger Musson wrote a book called The Million Death Quake. It is about future major seismic events and the possibility of far more fatalities than we can imagine. I haven’t read it, but Tim Radford is excited. If you read it – what do you think?
Where on GoogleEarth #363 at Max’ blog
Max hosts the latest Where on Google Earth – WoGE#363. Can you identify the location?
Hurrican Sandy aftermath -rapid coastal change
The USGS has great imagery for those interested in coastal change due to hurricane Sandy. The did an aerial survey of the US east coast after the storm and you can compare the imagery to the the pre-storm pictures. Great stuff for teaching AND for research!
Morelia2012 workshop
The 3rd INQUA-IGCP 567 Workshop on Actice Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archeoseismology to be held at Morelia (Mexico) starts next week. I will leave for Mexico today – woohoo! 25°C and great talks to come, plus faults, volcanoes and tequila. Who could ask for more? I will try to keep you updated during the next week.

Beautiful folds cropping out near Varnavas, Greece.
Have a nice weekend!
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