The California Geological Survey provides a great online-tool for geoscientist: A fault map of California (Alquist-Priolo-Fault-Zone with all datasets available in PDF and GIS format for free! Start here.
A volunteer panel that assesses earthquake risks in Utah said it examined nearly 130 school buildings in the state and found more than half fail to meet federal earthquake safety guidelines. Bad news from here.
Ever heard about “PANGAEA“? It’s a publishing network for geoscientific data. You can upload and geotag your data (log data, geophysical profiles, time series, maps) to make it available to the community after your project finished. You can access thousands of data and search the database by place or keywords. Let’s see how this develops.
Armand Vervaeck from Belgium has set up the new earthquake news site and also hosts the according Facebook page. Daily news and seismogramms.
Earthquake activity in Iran is continuing. After the M6.5 event on 20 Dec., 2010, two recent quakes hit the same region this week with M6.0 and M5.1. Media reported 7 fatalities and hundreds injured.
Mount Kirishima on Japan’s island of Kyushu has erupted on 27 January. How beautiful! came up with an older story again: Toads predicted the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake 70 km away from the epicentre, the Zoological Society of London reports. Any idea on the statistical strength of this correlation or further information?
Have a nice weekend!
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