The sun dominated the geo-news this week. A very strong coronal mass ejection (or was it a sunquake…?) occured and hit Earth’s magnetic field on 24 January. A geomagnetic storm (Kp=5) lead to intense and beautiful northern lights around the Arctic Circle. The web is full of great images, the best ones that I came across can be found here at spaceweather and at National Geographic. I also like this video by Brian Maffitt:
Peter L. Falkingham has recently published a paper on how to create 3D models with free open source software:
Falkingham, P. L., 2012: Acquisition of high resolution three-dimensional models using
free, open-source, photogrammetric software. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 15, Issue 1; 1T:15p;
In his article he describes the procedure for paleontological purposes – models of Chirotherium tracks, trilobites, elephants, tree roots. That’s nice work in my opinion and useful for many applications. It also reminds me of a video by Ron Schott, showing a 3D model of mud cracks:
ArcLand has also some nice examples about the use of 3D models – but they use LiDAR. Anyway, this is a cool project and a beautiful site. I didn’t know about it.
Common knowledge within the geoscience community is that it is impossible to play rock-paper-scissors with a geologist because rock always wins per definition. You can, however, play this with a geophysicist. It’s just that you need to replace paper with georadar and scissors with geoelectrics:

Rock-paper-scissors as geophysicists play it. Some say that geoelectrics will always lose, but other claim that GPR has no chance to win...
Anyway, a colleague of mine just told me that this won’t work either since geoelectrics will always lose…
The Geological Society has published a great animation of the rock cycle. Perfect for teaching, have a look!
David Bressan‘s post “Forensic Seismology” is full of nice examples and explanations, but obviously the most interesting one currently is the impact of the Costa Concordia registered by an Italian seismograph. Oh, now I see that David has a picture with a cute donkey. Since I always say that donkeys are the most underestimated animals, here’s another donkey image with some geology, too:
- This poor guy is forced to transport tourists through the Petra Canyon, Jordan. At least he has a great landscape and nice geology around him.
The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries has produced some great maps, showing the possible tsunami inundation for different earthquake scenarios. Nice work. We should really put more effort into awareness and preparedness.
Speaking about preparedness: The Song family is totally unprepared:
Have a nice weekend!
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