The Turkey M7.2 earthquake turned out to be a really desastrous event. More than 500 people died, more than 2,000 houses were destroyed. Currently, international aid is reaching the epicentral area. Chris Rowan has a good article on the geological background (an earlier one here), History of Geology discusses the paleoseismicity of that region. The German Aerospace Agency (DLR) prepared some quick response maps for the Van and Ercis areas. Nice work!
The Hudson volcano in Southern Chile erupted some hours ago.
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CNN has a lousy movie showing the plume, but better than nothing.
Structural Geology has presented a new, easy to use visualisation tool for structural data:
Japanese engineers have developed an impressive UAV. It’s for military purpose, but imagine that for mapping rockfall areas, cliffs, etc.
Here is a nice post on coastal erosion at En tequila es verdad. A time-lapse video of an entire year, monitoring a cliff:
Scientists from Princeton have modelled the fallout of a giant meteor strike. Wow! Better don’t be there…
The New Scientist came up with an underwater video of exotic lava, “normally associated with the birth of a subduction zone.” I just love those ROV images and videos!
Last not least: Don’t miss the updates on the ongoing El Hierro (Canary Islands) eruption at!
I went hiking last weekend and had to realize that the trail along the Saale river in Germany was closed. I knew the trail before (it follows the river at the base of some great Buntsandstein outcrops), so I was sure there must have been some landslides. And yes, there were!
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Some minor rockfalls occured, and heavy rains had mobilized the covering soil and the colluvium. Additionally, due to the high water last spring the Saale eroded the slope and caused the colluvium to move. Trees toppled into the Saale river and were already overflown by earth flows.
Have a nice weekend!
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