The next TSK meeting (Tektonik – Strukturgeologie – Kristallingeologie) will be held in Jena, Germany, from 19-25 March, 2018. We have put together a great programme, including 2 days of workshops (photogrammetry, paleoseismology, balanced X-sections etc.), two wonderful field trips, and interesting sessions. If this isn’t convincing enough, check out the list of invited speakers! Come and visit me in Jena!
Preliminary program
- 19 March: pre-conference workshops 1 and 2; field trip 1
- 20 March: pre-conference workshops 3, 4, and 5; guided tour through the Mineralogical Museum Jena; icebreaker party
- 21 – 23 March: scientific sessions (talks and posters)
- 22 March: conference dinner
- 24 – 25 March: post-conference field trip 2
Scientific Sessions
- S1: Plate tectonic reconstructions
- S2: Accretionary systems in nature and experiment
- S3: imalayan- and Mediterranean-style collisional orogens
- S4: Intraplate tectonics
- S5: Tectonics of sedimentary basins
- S6: Rheology, rates and fluids in tectonometamorphic processes
- S7: Active tectonics and surface processes
- S8: Open topics in structural geology and tectonics
- Workshop 1: Active tectonics and palaeoseismology, Christoph Grützner, Jena (19 March).
- Workshop 2: 2D- & 3D structural modelling and balancing techniques in geology, Philipp Balling & Kamil Ustaszewski, Jena (19 March.
- Workshop 3: 3D photogrammetry / Structure-from-Motion, Bianca Wagner, Göttingen (20 March).
- Workshop 4: Metamorphic phase equilibrium computations using Theriak-Domino, Erik Duesterhoeft, Kiel (20 March).
- Workshop 5: Python programming and its applications in structural geology, Ondrej Lexa, Prague (20 March).
Invited talks
- Taras Gerya, ETH Zürich (CH)
Two plate tectonics enigmas: initiation of new subduction zones and ridge‐transform spreading patterns - Marco Herwegh, University of Bern (CH)
Rheological switches and strain distribution during the exhumation of granitoid continental crust - Heidrun Kopp, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
From no slip to slow slip: How seafloor geodesy reveals crustal deformation at mm-scales - Onno Oncken, GFZ Potsdam
Der Erdbeben-Zoo und die Bananenschale – was wir schon immer über Subduktionszonen wissen wollten - Lothar Ratschbacher, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Steady-state plate tectonics, unsteady orogeny: a view from the Pamirs - John Suppe, University of Houston (TX)
Finding the last ~200Ma of subducted lithosphere in tomography and incorporating it into a new generation of plate reconstructions - Douwe van Hinsbergen, Utrecht University (NL)
The implications of paleogeographic reconstructions of the India-Asia collision zone for the fundamental geodynamics of subduction: how to apply Ockham’s Razor?
Dates and deadlines
- 10 November 2017: registration opens
- 31 December 2017: early bird registration
- 9 February 2018: registration and abstract submission close
Official website
About TSK
Initiated as an originally German-speaking meeting (“Tektonik – Strukturgeologie – Kristallingeologie”), the TSK conference series has by now become a traditional gathering of structural geologists, tectonicists and geoscientists working on crystalline rocks. It is a forum for all those interested in the links between igneous and/or metamorphic petrology, tectonics and rheology, and the language of the meeting is English.
The TSK conferences are particularly aimed at giving a forum for young scientists to present their MSc and PhD work. A fundamental tenet of all TSK symposia since 1986 was to always have all oral presentations grouped into consecutive sessions that are held in one central conference room, rather than organising several parallel sessions at a time. The TSK Jena 2018 will of course maintain this tradition.
In September 2016, the TSK forum has been upgraded to an official section of the German Geological Society (DGGV).
TSK symposia are organized every two years in changing locations. The TSK Jena 2018 meeting will be the 17th gathering of its kind since the first meeting in Tübingen back in 1986.
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