This is the April edition of my paper round-up. Today I recommend papers on high-resolution topography data, fault mechanics, earthquake environmental/archaeological effects (liquefaction, rotated objects, landslides), Quaternary dating, a fault database for Asia, and tectonics of New Zealand and Martinique. Enjoy! more
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New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Apr 2016)
2016-04-10 | in Paper -
New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics and tsunami research
2014-11-03 | in PaperSeveral new papers deal with paleoseismology and active tectonics studies. Wiatr et al. used terrestrial LiDAR to analyse limestone bedrock scarps, Hornblow et al. investigated the Darfield earthquake source in NZ. Sarikaya et al. present new data on offset alluvial fans in Central Turkey; Xu et al. present geological data on two historical seismic events in Tibet. Tectonic morphology is used by Barcelona et al. in NW Argentina. Mathew et al. use remote sensing data to analyze coseismic deformation in China. Ed Garrett and colleagues present data on 1000 years of megathrust quakes in Chile, and Bemis et al. have an interesting article on UAVs and paleoseismology. more
A Mw6.9 earthquake in the Aegean Sea
2014-05-24 | in EarthquakeToday (2014-05-24) on 09:25 UTC an earthquake with magnitude MW6.9 occurred in the NE Aegean Sea. The EMSC reports a depth of 27 km (USGS: 10 km). The quake had a (right-lateral) strike-slip mechanism and was felt as far away as Athens, Istanbul, and Sofia. More than 200 people were injured, most of them only lightly, and moderate damage to dozens of houses has been reported. The earthquake occurred on the (S)Western part of the North Anatolian Fault in the Samos Basin and was among the strongest events that have ever been recorded at that segment. more
8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (ISEMG), 13-17 October, 2014, Muğla, Turkey
2014-05-12 | in MeetingThe 8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (ISEMG) will be held in Muğla from 13-17 October 2014. The symposium will take place at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. There are some nice sessions that deal with paleoseismology and related topics. The abstract deadline is 15 May, so if you can’t go to Busan in September, check if Turkey would be an alternative. more
2ECEES Session Palaeoseismology – 24-29 August, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
2014-03-31 | in MeetingThe 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES) will take place from 24-29 August, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting is a a joint event of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) and the European Seismological Commission (ESC). There will be a session on Paleoseismology: more
Special session on Tectonic Geomorphology at 8th International Symposium of Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 13-17 Oct., 2014, Muğla, Turkey
A special session on Tectonic Geomorphology will be held at the 8th International Symposium of Eastern Mediterranean Geology from 13-17 October, 2014, in Muğla, Turkey. The session “Tectonic geomorphology: coupling between crustal deformation and landscape evolution in the Eastern Mediterranean” will be chaired by Sarah Boulton, Mustapha Meghraoui, and M. Cihat Alçiçek. Abstract submission is possible until 15 May. more
New paleoseismology papers
2014-01-26 | in PaperBesides the two special issues on tsunamis and paleoearthquakes that I’ve already blogged about, some more interesting papers on paleoseismology have recently been published. They deal with paleoseismology of the North Anatolian Fault, with tectonic geomorphology of S Spain, and with the ESI scale applied on a quake in Kashmir. more
Paleoseismological papers in the BSSA April 2013 issue
2013-03-22 | in PaperBSSA’s most recent issue is full of paleoseismological work. The April 2013 issue contains a number of papers dealing with old earthquakes in Turkey, California, Argentina, and Jamaica. Also, there’s info on earthquake catalogues in South America and China. A study on seismic sources in the Lower Rhine Embayment, (W Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands) is especially interesting for me, because it’s right in my backyard. Plus, there are some basic studies on the reliability of paleoseismological investigation and problems in earthquake geology. more
Annals of Geophysics Vol. 55 – Active Tectonics in the Mediterranean and Europe
2013-01-21 | in PaperAnnals of Geophysics’ latest Special Issue 55-5 is focussed on Earthquake Geology: Active tectonics in the Mediterranean and Europe: site studies and application of new methodologies. This issue was edited by L. Cucci, P. M. De Martini, E. Masana, and K. Vanneste and contains seven papers. As always, all articles are open access. more
What’s up? The Friday links (52)
2013-01-11 | in The Friday Links, Uncategorized | 2 responsesThe RealClimate blog network published two long articles on the state of the art of sea level rise estimations. Part 1 was written by Stefan Rahmstorf on 9 Jan, part 2 was posted today. What will we need to prepare for until the end of the century? more