INQUA’s XXI congress will take place in Rome in 2023. This is the most important gathering for the Quaternary community, taking place every four years only. Active tectonics, paleoseismology and related fields have found their home in INQUA’s TERPRO Commission (Terrestrial Processes, Deposits & History). TERPRO provides support for scientific meetings and networking; they have always been involved in the PATA Days and supported dozens of early career researchers and researchers from developing countries with travel grants for these meetings. If you want to support the earthquake community within INQUA, please join TERPRO here. It’s free and comes without obligations. It only means you’ll receive the INQUA newsletters, you can apply for funding for meetings and workshops (as an organiser), and you can elect the TERPRO officers.
Currently, the organising committee of the INQUA Congress in Rome is accepting session proposals for the 2023 congress. Please make sure your areas of interest are represented at the conference. If in doubt, contact your TERPRO officers. Let’s present some great earthquake science at INQUARoma2023!