A couple of interesting positions are currently open for earthquake geology, tectonics, and paleoseismology people:
- PostDoc in active tectonics, structural geology, tectonic geomorphology and/or paleoseismology, GFZ Potsdam
- University Professor of Tectonics/Structural Geology, Uni Mainz
- Associate Professor in Structural Geology, Uni Oslo
- Two permanent research positions in Geodynamics at the Spanish Research Council
- Five permanent research positions for the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME) Shallow geothermics, geohazards, structural geology and tectonics, subsurface geology
- Tectonophysics TT job at CSU Fullerton
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Uni Brighton
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geology, Uni Brighton
- Teaching Fellow in Physical Geography, Uni Hull
- PostDoc position “Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of the Mariana convergent margin with emphasis on fault- and fluid-systems in the Mariana forearc” at Uni Graz
- PhD positions on earthquakes, seismic hazard at the University of Camerino, Italy
- PhD or Post-Doc position ” interdisciplinary project to quantify and model microstructural evolution in hydrothermal crack-seal veins” at RWTH Aachen University
- Postdoctoral Geophysicist/ Seismologist, GFZ Potsdam