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  • Call for papers: Special Issue on Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings

    Our colleague Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz from Seville and his colleeagues will be guest editor of a special issue on “Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings”, which is going to be published in Tectonophysics.

    Everyone who is interested to participate may submit a manuscript. The Special Issue aims on contributions about different aspects of the study of convergent and divergent, ancient and active oblique plate boundary systems, including analytical, numerical and analogue modelling methods, as well as field-based analyses of natural cases. Innovative approaches that exploit new analysis techniques (3D geophysical modelling, space geodesy-based kinematics, etc.) or methods combining structural geology with geophysics, petrology, geomorphology or stratigraphy are also welcomed. Through this thematic volume of Tectonophysics, the progress in the understanding of the kinematics and dynamics of oblique plate boundaries will be addressed and innovative and/or multidisciplinary research methods that provide new insights into the 3D deformation inherently linked to these systems will be promoted.
