The 2015 INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology in the Fucino Basin is over – but luckily some of the scientists have covered the meeting on Twitter! For those who missed the meeting in Italy, read and enjoy this recap – you might want to consider going to the next PATA Days.
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Fucino2015 meeting: Twitter roundup
2015-04-26 | in Italy 2015, Meeting, PATA days -
6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archeoseismology – 19-24 April 2015, Pescina, Italy
2014-05-20 | in Italy 2015, Meeting, PATA days | one responseDear Colleagues and Friends,
we are pleased to announce that the 6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archeoseismology will be held in Pescina (Abruzzo, Central Italy) in the period 19 – 24 April 2015.
We invite all scientists in the fields of earthquake geology, paleoseismology, archeoseismology, tsunami studies, earthquake engineering, seismic hazard assessment to join this event.
We will celebrate the centenary of the 1915 M7 Fucino earthquake, that has been one of the most devastating earthquakes occurred in the Apennines. The earthquake produced extensive surface faulting and left a strong imprint in the landscape giving rise to an incredibly rich seismological, geological and paleoseismological amount of studies in the last century.
Scientific sessions will be attended in the unique historical and cultural atmosphere of the Pescina village, followed by 2 days-field trip in the Fucino and L’Aquila area, retracing on the field the path of faults, landscapes, castles and ancient settlements. Moreover, a pre-congress archaeoseismic tour in Rome will be offered to all the participants.
Soon a specific website dedicated to this event will be available, where you will find more detailed and updated information, including information on the Participation, Travel Grants and Scientific Programme.
The Fucino 2015 Organizing Committee more