Callan Bentley from Mountain Beltway had the idea to list the 101 American Geo-Sites mentioned in Albert B. Dickas’ book and to mark those he has already visited. The whole thing became kind of popular in the geoblogosphere, and this KMZ by one of Callan’s readers allows to explore the 101 outcrops one definitely has to visit in the US. So now here’s my list, in bold the places I’ve visited (as you will see, there are far much still to be seen than I’ve already visited!):
- Wetumpka Crater, Alabama
- Exit Glacier, Alaska
- Antelope Canyon, Arizona
- Meteor Crater, Arizona
- Monument Valley, Arizona
- Prairie Creek Pipe, Arkansas
- Wallace Creek, California
- Racetrack Playa, California
- Devils Postpile, California
- Rancho La Brea, California more