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  • PATA Days programme and short abstracts available

    The PATA Days in France are just a few days away. Get in the right mood by checking out the programme or by reading the (short) abstracts. The field trip guide for the post-conference excursion is also available for download here. The official website has all the important news concerning logistics etc.:

    See you all in Southern France!

  • PATA Days 2022 in France: 2nd circular

    Here is the 2nd circular for the PATA Days in Southern France, September 2022.
    First important deadline: 30 April for submitting the short abstract (300 words).
    For more information visit

  • Fault2SHA 3rd Workshop: Role of scaling laws & fault interaction, 2-4 May, 2017, Barcelonnette (France)

    The FAULT2SHA Working Group has been formally approved by the European Seismological Commission, at the 35th General Assembly in Sept 2016. The WG core supporters are pleased to announce a new initiative, open to all researchers interested in contributing to discussions on topics that could improve the assessment of seismic hazard. more

  • Open position: PostDoc on seismic hazard characterization & mitigation, Aix-en-Provence

    The CEREGE laboratory in Aix-en-Provence (France) look for a PostDoc in the field of seismic hazard and/or earthquake geology. The position is in the framework of the RISKMED OT MED funded project “ Natural risks in the Mediterranean: Hazard, vulnerability, perception and management”.

    Deadline for application is 4 July.


    • Organisation and implementation of field surveys in Italy and Turkey in collaboration with local colleagues.
    • Review and compile existing data, and acquire new data to better understand the frequency and dynamics of large earthquakes in Central Italy and western Turkey through surface observations and paleoseismological reconstruction over a range of different temporal and spatial scales.
    • Convert all data into an open database.
    • Analyze and interpret all data with respect to existing scaling laws and in terms of seismic hazard.
    • Produce with social scientists engaged in the project (geographers and psychologists) comprehensible scientific information to public and territorial managers as the basis for recommended preparedness and mitigation actions.
    • Participate to a participatory process and to focus groups concerning risk mitigation strategies (science communication, risk communication, public outreach) in targeted areas.

    See the full details here.

  • PhD project on natural hazards and paleomagnetism at ISMER / IPGP

    Our colleague Guillaume St-Onge sent us the following interesting job offer:

    PhD project on natural hazards and paleomagnetism at the Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER) in close collaboration with the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)

    Download the flyer here: download PDF more

  • 2nd Historical Earthquake Colloquium on the Rhine Graben and Intraplate Quakes – May 2015 in Strasbourg

    The 2nd Historical Earthquake Colloquium will be held in Strasbourg, France, from 12-13 May, 2015. It focusses on Major Historical Earthquakes of the Rhine Graben and Intraplate Europe – From archives to comparative seismotectonics.

    Following the first edition dedicated to historical earthquakes held in Freiburg (May 19 and 20, 2014), this meeting will focus on seismological studies of the Rhine Graben and intraplate Europe. The meeting will also address the relationships between recent seismicity, non-instrumental earthquakes and their seismotectonic characteristics. Contributions on historical, instrumental seismology and induced seismicity
    are welcome. We also encourage presentations in seismotectonics, paleoseismology, archeoseismology and seismic hazard assessment.
    We propose three sessions:


  • Deform2015, thematic school about crustal deformation and earthquakes

    The Deform2015 school on Active Deformation, Faults and Earthquakes from Measurements to Models will be held in Southern France from 7-13 February, 2015.
    Over the past years, considerable advances have been made in observing crustal deformation at scales of seconds to thousands of years.
    However, a unified view of the earthquake cycle is still missing. The thematic school aims at bringing together students and scientists
    working on different aspects of active faulting and earthquake processes. This school will provide a state-of-the-art view of the technics used to study active deformation as well as a perspective on the current models integrating the growing corpus of available data.


  • Interdisciplinary meeting on climate change and seismic hazards during the Holocene in the Med

    An interdisciplinary meeting on climate change and seismic hazards during the Holocene in the Mediterranean will be held in Aix en Provence on July 7 and 8, 2014. The colloquium is organized by and will take place at CEREGE with 4 half days dedicated to specific areas of the Mediterranean region (SW-Mediterranean; Aegean-Turkey; Levant-Middle East; NW-NE Africa).

    Contributions are welcome (poster or oral). Abstracts might be send to or by April 14, 2014. Please find more info here (pdf). more

  • An informal meeting/workshop on paleoseismology of NW Europe in Utrecht, 9 January 2014

    Paleoseismologists from northern Central Europe are meeting regularly for discussions, usually twice a year, and the next small workshop will take place in Utrecht on 9 January, 2014. The one-day meeting is dedicated to present latest results of ongoing research on active faults in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany (intraplate seismicity). Participants from the Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia, the VU Amsterdam, TuDelft, ULG Liége, the Royal Observatory of Belgium, TNO-GDN Utrecht and RWTH Aachen University will discuss the possibilities of joint projects and collect ideas on how to proceed with ongoing studies.