Structural Geology and Tectonics of Hokkaido: Geometric principles, and the relationship between active and ancient deformation.During this course you will learn how geologic structures, developed from microscopic to map scale, reflect the rates, directions, and mechanics of past and contemporary plate tectonics and deformation. You will also hone your three-dimensional perception and skills through practical applications.
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Short Course in Structural Geology and Tectonics of Hokkaido
2017-01-23 | in Field work, TeachingAn interesting post-grad student training course will be held from 26 June – 7 July, 2017, at Hokkaido University: -
Field Training Course and Workshop “Tectonic and climatic forcing on the Late Quaternary landscape evolution of Central Argentina”, 14-18 October 2013
2013-08-26 | in TeachingFrom 14-18 October 2013 a field training course will take place in Central Argentina. The course and a workshop are organized by the Sam-GeoQuat Group, the topic is: “From the Pampean Ranges to the North Pampa: Tectonic and climatic forcing on the Late Quaternary landscape evolution of Central Argentina”. Deadline for registration is 30 August, so hurry if you are interested. Download the 1st circular (pdf, <1 MB) here: 1-course-sam-geoquat2013 more
Field Course in Neotectonics & Paleoseismology – May 22-31, 2013 in Crestone, Colorado, USA
2013-03-11 | in Teaching | 2 responsesJim McCalpin will teach his 13th Field Course in Neotectonics and Paleoseismology from May 22-31, 2013 in Crestone, Colorado, USA. This is a “9-day summer Field Course, offered by the Crestone Science Center, which teaches the latest field techniques, but also contains evening lectures covering the entire field of Paleoseismology.” more