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  • Pre-EGU field trip to the the Bohemian Massif – orogenic root domains

    An interesting pre-EGU field trip will be organised by colleagues from the University of Vienna, focussing on some structural interesting outcrops near Vienna. Here is the announcement from Anna Rogowitz:

    The trip aims to provide a brief outlook on the processes occurring in orogenic root domains on the example of the Bohemian Massif in Austria. Special focus will be given to deformation structures and the influence of partial melting on deformation localization. The excellent exposures in the Bohemian Massif gives a great opportunity to study the interplay between chemical changes and deformation processes in the lower crust. Additionally the high amount of migmatisation in some areas of the Moldanubian domain allows for studying the influence of melt on deformation processes as well as the composition of the host rock on melt formation and strain partitioning between rocks of different composition and rheology. more