The 3rd annual IGCP 639 meeting will take place from 16-23 September, 2018, in Italy. IGCP project 639 deals with Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia. The meeting will cover all IGCP related science such as sea level, climate change, tectonics, earthquakes, tsunami, and coastal inundation.
It’s a joint meeting with INQUA project CMP1701P “Late Quaternary record of coastal inundation due to earth surface deformation, tsunami and storms”, CMP1601P “HOLSEA” and CMP1603P “MOPP-MEDFLOOD”. Two days of scientific sessions at Taranto University will be followed by a four-day field trip to Catania. more
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3rd IGCP 639 meeting, 16-23 September, 2018 – Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia
2018-01-16 | in Meeting -
EGU session “Paleoseismicity, active faulting, surface deformation, and the implications on seismic hazard assessment (Fault2SHA)”
2018-01-04 | in MeetingDear colleagues,
we wish you a Happy New Year and would like to advertise our session on “Paleoseismicity, active faulting, surface deformation, and the implications on seismic hazard assessment (Fault2SHA)” at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna (April 8-13, 2018). Please consider submitting an abstract before the deadline on Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 13:00 Central European Time. Please consider contributing with your studies by submitting your abstract here:
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Paleoseismology sessions at the LACSC/SSA Seismology of the Americas meeting, 14-17 May, 2018, Miami, FL
2017-12-11 | in MeetingThe 2018 SSA meeting was planned to take place in Puerto Rico in April as a joint meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA). After hurricane Maria hit the island earlier this year, the decision was made to move to Miami, FL and to run the meeting from 14-17 May, 2018.A number of exciting sessions will deal with active tectonics and paleoseismology: -
TSK meeting 19-25 March, 2018, in Jena, Germany: Tectonics, Structural Geology, Crystalline Geology
2017-11-04 | in MeetingThe next TSK meeting (Tektonik – Strukturgeologie – Kristallingeologie) will be held in Jena, Germany, from 19-25 March, 2018. We have put together a great programme, including 2 days of workshops (photogrammetry, paleoseismology, balanced X-sections etc.), two wonderful field trips, and interesting sessions. If this isn’t convincing enough, check out the list of invited speakers! Come and visit me in Jena!
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Nov 2017)
2017-11-02 | in Paper | one responseTime is running and the publishing machine doesn’t stop. Another month has passed, and here we are with a whole bunch of new and existing papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, tsunami, and archaeosesimology. Lot’s of stuff from the Tien Shan this time, including my very own paper about which I will blog in detail later. Enjoy reading! more
International Palaeoseismological Field Workshop: Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuania, 17-21 SEP, 2018
2017-10-10 | in Meeting | one responseA paleoseismological field workshop on “Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region” will be held in Lithuania from 17-21 Septmeber, 2018. The workshop is organized by the Lithuanian Geological Survey, the Geological Society of Lithuania, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, and Klaipėda University, Lithuania. more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Oct 2017)
Papers on harbours & archaeoseismology in the Med
2017-09-05 | in PaperWhile compiling the monthly paper round-up, I will of course miss some publications. This may be because I was in the field when the papers were published, because I don’t have an alert for the journals, or because my alerts didn’t include the right key words. For example, I missed a couple of 2017 papers by our colleagues from Mainz: more
Special Issue in QI – Quaternary Earthquakes: Geology & Palaeoseismology for Seismic Hazard Assessment
| in Italy 2015, Meeting, Paper, PATA daysDear friends and colleagues,
We are happy to announce that our Special Issue from the 2015 PATA Days in Fucino is finally published in Quaternary International. This wonderful workshop commemorated the centenary of the 1915 Fucino Earthquake, and
we have seen some great active faults in the Central Apennines
and palaeoseismological research sites during the field trips. The meeting was organized by ISPRA, INGV and University of Insubria and promoted by INQUA TERPRO. more -
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Sep 2017)