The 5th PATA Days (5th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology) have started with a great icebreaker party on Sunday. On Monday we went on a field trip to Korea’s east coast and had a look at uplifted Late Quaternary terraces and some relatively young thrust faults. Plus, we visited a nuclear waste deposit site. Today the first presentations will start at 10 a.m. and the first poster session will be held. Here are some impressions from the first days:
Rob | 2014-09-24|01:52 (UTC)
how do I get one of those cool Paleoseismicity T-shirts?
Christoph Grützner | 2014-09-24|13:55 (UTC)
Currently they are exclusively sold at nuclear waste disposal sites… I’ll send you one.