These are the latest papers that deal with earthquakes, tsunami, archaeoseismology, and active tectonics. Quite a number of studies from the Americas this time. Enjoy reading and let me know in case I’ve missed something. Also: If you’d like to write a post about your research, a new paper, a good tectonics field trip or the like, please get in touch!
- Abdrakhmatov, K., Arrowsmith, R., Elliott, J., Grützner, C., Mukambayev, A., Rizza, M., Shnizai Z., Walker, R. T., Weldon, R., & Wilkinson, R. (2024). Urgent need for greater earthquake resilience in continental Asia. Nat. Geosci. 17, 818–819.
- Llamas, D. C. E., Marfito, B. J., Dela Cruz, R., & Aurelio, M. A. (2024). Surface rupture and fault characteristics associated with the 2020 magnitude (MW) 6.6 Masbate earthquake, Masbate Island, Philippines. Tectonics, 43, e2023TC008106.
- Ribot, M., Lefèvre, M., Klinger, Y., Pons‐Branchu, E., Dapoigny, A., & Jónsson, S. (2024). Vertical deformation along a strike‐slip plate boundary: The uplifted marine terraces of the Gulf of Aqaba and Tiran Island, at the southern end of the Dead Sea Fault. Tectonics, 43(9), e2023TC007977.
- Grant, C., Kolawole, F., & Williams, J. (2024). Evolution of rift faulting in incipient, magma-poor divergent plate boundaries: New insights from the Okavango-Makgadikgadi Rift Zone, Botswana. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 646, 118957.
- Galindo, I., Romero, C., Martín‐González, E., Sánchez, N., Vegas, J., & Lario, J. (2024). An extreme wave event in Timanfaya National Park: Possible first geological evidence of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
- Patyniak, M., Landgraf, A., Dzhumabaeva, A., Baikulov, S., Williams, A. M., Preusser, F., Abdrakhmatov, K. E., Arrowsmith, J. R., & Strecker, M. R. (2024). Surface rupture of the 2008 Mw 6.6 Nura earthquake: Triggered flexural-slip faulting in the Pamir-Tien Shan collision zone. Tectonics, 43, e2024TC008360.
- Messager, G., Nivière, B., Lacan, P., Regard, V., & Blanc, E. (2024). Late Pleistocene Fault Activity and Slip Rate in the Malarguë Fold-Thrust-Belt Front (Southern Central Andes, Argentina). tektonika2, 2, 52-84.
- Narbona, F., Schilling, M. E., Ditzel, P., Melnick, D., & Garrett, E. (2024). Assessment of paleoseismic heritage sites of Holocene megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis along the coast of south-central Chile (38°-42° S). Geoheritage, 16(4), 104.
- Gaidzik, K., Mendecki, M., & Kázmér, M. (2024). Historical earthquakes in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, true or false? Unveiling insights through archaeoseismology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, 108960.
- Zhou, Z., Whittaker, A. C., Bell, R. E., & Hampson, G. J. (2024). Unravelling tectonic and lithological effects on transient landscapes in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Basin Research, 36(5), e12901.
- Philippon, M., Roger, J., Lebrun, J. F., Thinon, I., Foix, O., Mazzotti, S., … & Cornée, J. J. (2024). Forearc crustal faults as tsunami sources in the upper plate of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone: the case study of the Morne Piton fault system. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(9), 3129-3154.
- Gutiérrez, F., Ilyati, I., Rezaei, M., Zarei, M., & Hudec, M. (2024). Active strike-slip faulting, diapirism and seismic hazards. The case of the Kareh Bas fault and the associated Dandenjan salt extrusion in the zagros Mountains, SW Iran. Journal of Structural Geology, 105239.
- Pizza, M., Ferrario, F., Michetti, A. M., Velázquez-Bucio, M. M., Lacan, P., & Porfido, S. (2024). Intensity Prediction Equations Based on the Environmental Seismic Intensity (ESI-07) Scale: Application to Normal Fault Earthquakes. Applied Sciences, 14(17), 8048.
- Tsukamoto, S., Guralnik, B., Prince, E., Oohashi, K., & Otsubo, M. (2024). Recurrent partial resetting of quartz OSL signal by earthquakes: a thermochronological study on fault gouges from the Atotsugawa Fault, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 76(1), 1-11.
- Munafò, I., Akinci, A., Taroni, M., Faenza, L., Oliveti, I., Antonucci, A., … & Rovida, A. (2024). Studying Past Earthquakes with Modern Techniques: Ground-Motion Simulations for the 11 January 1693 Noto Earthquake in Italy. SRL.
- McPhillips, D., & Pratt, T. L. (2024). Precariously Balanced Rocks in Northern New York and Vermont, USA: Ground-Motion Constraints and Implications for Fault Sources. BSSA.
- Brothers, D. S., Sherrod, B. L., Singleton, D. M., Padgett, J. S., Hill, J. C., Ritchie, A. C., … & Dartnell, P. (2024). Post-glacial stratigraphy and late Holocene record of great Cascadia earthquakes in Ozette Lake, Washington, USA. Geosphere.
- Pizer, C. O., Howarth, J. D., Clark, K. J., Orpin, A. R., Tickle, S. E., Strachan, L. J., … & Twort, E. (2024). Integrated onshore–offshore paleoseismic records show multiple slip styles on the plate interface, central Hikurangi subduction margin, Aotearoa New Zealand. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, 108942.
- Ji, H., Li, A., Li, L., Wei, Z., & Ren, Z. (2024). Paleoseismology of the Anqiu–Juxian Fault, Tanlu Fault Zone, Reveals Evidence That It Is the Causative Fault of the 70 B.C. Anqiu Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters.
- Stein, R. S. & Bird, P. (2024). Why Do Great Continental Transform Earthquakes Nucleate on Branch Faults? Seismological Research Letters.
- Brooks, G. R., Grenier, A., & Brewer, K. (2024). An investigation of subaqueous failures triggered by the 1935 CE Mw 6.1 Témiscaming earthquake, Quebec, Canada, as an analogue for a paleoseismic study. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, (ja).
- Ding, C., Dong, J. J., Le Béon, M., Lee, C. C., Ho, S. K., & Wang, S. T. (2024). Characterization of the active fault deformation zone of the Chegualin Fault in the alluvial plain of southwestern Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 107740.
- Haider, R., Ali, S., Hoffmann, G., & Reicherter, K. (2024). Tsunami inundation and vulnerability analysis on the Makran coast, Pakistan. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(9), 3279-3290.
- Peng, J., Matsushi, Y., & Matsuzaki, H. (2024). Role of coseismic bedrock landslides in the landscape evolution of high-relief mountainous terrain: Insights from detrital 10Be dilution modeling. Geomorphology, 109432.
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