These are the latest papers, this time with a lot of studies from the Americas. Enjoy reading!
- McEwan, E., Stahl, T., Langridge, R., Davies, T., Howell, A., & Wilson, M. (2025). Seismic hazard and shifting channels: Exploring coseismic river response. Earth-Science Reviews, 105042.
- Tunçel, E., Gutiérrez, F., Gökkaya, E., Seyitoğlu, G., & Çiçek, İ. (2024). Tectonic geomorphology and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) in the Acıgöl Graben, Türkiye. Geomorphology, 464, 109374.
- Urrejola-Sanhueza, J. T. G., Sepúlveda, S. A., Pinto, L., & Moreiras, S. M. (2025). Linking large-volume landslides with potential neotectonic activity of the Pocuro fault system, Central Andes (32°-33° S). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 152, 105320.
- Agate, M., Antonioli, F., Caldareri, F., Devoto, S., Morticelli, M. G., Sulli, A., … & Furlani, S. (2024). Decoding Late Quaternary faulting through marine terraces and MIS 5.5 tilted tidal notches: Insights from central Mediterranean Sea (NW Sicily, Italy). Geomorphology, 109587.
- Shtober-Zisu, N., Kranenburg, H., Waldmann, N., Porat, N., Shaar, R., Brook, A., & Greenbaum, N. (2025). Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a marginal fault: Insights from the Dead Sea Transform Fault System. Quaternary International, 718, 109637.
- Dong, S., Han, Z., Guo, P., Hu, N., Tan, X., Xie, Z., & Ran, H. (2025). Tectono‐geomorphic features related to the 1606 Jianshui earthquake in the southernmost segment of the Xiaojiang fault system, SE Tibet. Tectonics, 44(1), e2023TC008090.
- Escuder‐Viruete, J., Fernández, F. J., Valera, F. P., Medialdea, A., & Castillo‐Carrión, M. (2025). Present‐day shortening accommodated by folding, thrusting and strike‐slip faulting in the Enriquillo basin of southern central Hispaniola: Implications for the regional seismic hazard. Tectonics, 44(1), e2024TC008376.
- Pratt, T. L., Chapman, M. C., & Wu, Q. (2025). Comment on “The 1886 Charleston, South Carolina, Earthquake: Relic Railroad Offset Reveals Rupture” by Roger Bilham and Susan E. Hough. The Seismic Record; 5 (1): 11–22.
- Bilham, R., & Hough, S. E. (2025). Reply to “Comment on ‘The 1886 Charleston, South Carolina, Earthquake: Relic Railroad Offset Reveals Rupture’ by Roger Bilham and Susan E. Hough” by Thomas L. Pratt, Martin C. Chapman, and Qimin Wu. The Seismic Record; 5 (1): 23–34.
- Li, L. W., Yu, Z. Y., Qiu, C. M., Wang, W. X., Zhao, Q., Zheng, R. Y., & Yang, Y. L. (2025). Late Quaternary slip rate of the Northern Margin Fault of the Huaizhuo Basin in the North China Block and its seismological implications. Applied Geophysics, 1-18.
- Cornejo, C., Campos, C., & Guzmán, O. (2025). Soft-sediment deformation structures induced by seismic activity in the Upper Cretaceous Tena Formation-Oriente basin of Ecuador. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 105365.
- Lindholm, C., Bungum, H., Ghione, F., Meslem, A., Huang, C., & Oye, V. (2025). Earthquakes and seismic hazard for Norway and Svalbard. Journal of Seismology, 1-20.
- Hough, S. E. (2025). Haunted Summerville: Ghostly Lights or Earthquake Lights? SRL.
- Normandeau, A., Jenner, K. A., Desiage, P. A., De Moura Neves, B., Edinger, E., Van Nieuwenhove, N., … & Sherwood, O. (2025). Holocene earthquake-triggered submarine landslides and turbidites in western Baffin Bay. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
- Tandon, A., Prizomwala, S. P., Solanki, T., Ambekar, A., Nikam, R., Srivastava, P., & Chopra, S. (2025). An archaoseismological investigation of the footprints of human resilience to seismic shaking from the alluvial plains of Gujarat, Western India. Geomorphology, 109631.
- Visini, F., Boncio, P., Valentini, A., Scotti, O., Nurminen, F., Baize, S., & Pace, B. (2025). Empirical regressions for distributed faulting of dip-slip earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, 87552930241308860.
- García, B., Guevara-Pillaca, C. J., Unsworth, M., Pereyra, P., Benavente, C., Combey, A., … & Muñoz, A. (2025). Locating active faults in the Cusco Valley using magnetotelluric and radon gas data. Tectonophysics, 230639.
- Hu, Z., Yang, X., Yang, H., & Li, A. (2025). Active faulting in the southern bole basin within the northern Tian Shan and implications for strong earthquake hazards and tectonic deformation, NW China. Tectonics, 44, e2024TC008469.
- Qiu, H., Bi, H., Zheng, W., Zeng, J., Liu, B., & Wei, S. (2025). Seismic activity characteristics of the Tongkuang Shan fault (Southeastern Tian Shan, China) revealed by high-resolution topographic data. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106505.
- Small, D. T., Melgar, D., La Selle, S., & Meigs, A. (2025). Combining Multisite Tsunami and Deformation Modeling to Constrain Slip Distributions for the 1700 C.E. Cascadia Earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
- Huang, X., Jolivet, R., Li, Y., Shan, X., & Raimbault, B. (2025). The 2023 Mw 6.9 Sarez, Tajikistan earthquake: subparallel faulting and distributed deformation of the Pamir. Geophysical Journal International, ggae404.
- Eva, E., Molli, G., Pettenati, F., & Solarino, S. (2025). Seismicity, seismotectonics and historical earthquakes of the Northwestern Apennines, Italy: A reappraisal. Tectonophysics, 230642.
- Huang, W. J., Fitrianto, M. T., Chen, C. C., Chang, P. Y., Yen, I. C., Le Béon, M., & Lu, S. T. (2025). Complexity of near-surface deformation and subsurface structure of the Chihshang creeping fault-line scarp, eastern Taiwan: insights from integration of geological and geophysical data. Earth, Planets and Space, 77(1), 1-28.
- Ormukov, C., Sangmin, H., Yeong, B. S., Baikulov, S., Rakhmedinov, E., Dyldaev, M., & Samibekov, S.(2025). Issyk-Ata fault and its two strong Holocene paleoearthquakes records near densely populated Chui basin: focus on Dzhal area of Kyrgyz Range, Tien Shan. Journal of Mountain Science, 1-18.
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