Callan Bentley from Mountain Beltway had the idea to list the 101 American Geo-Sites mentioned in Albert B. Dickas’ book and to mark those he has already visited. The whole thing became kind of popular in the geoblogosphere, and this KMZ by one of Callan’s readers allows to explore the 101 outcrops one definitely has to visit in the US. So now here’s my list, in bold the places I’ve visited (as you will see, there are far much still to be seen than I’ve already visited!):
- Wetumpka Crater, Alabama
- Exit Glacier, Alaska
- Antelope Canyon, Arizona
- Meteor Crater, Arizona
- Monument Valley, Arizona
- Prairie Creek Pipe, Arkansas
- Wallace Creek, California
- Racetrack Playa, California
- Devils Postpile, California
- Rancho La Brea, California
- El Capitan, California
- Boulder Flatirons, Colorado
- Interstate 70 Roadcut, Colorado
- Florissant Fossil Beds, Colorado
- Dinosaur Trackway, Connecticut
- Wilmington Blue Rocks, Delaware
- Devil’s Millhopper, Florida
- Stone Mountain, Georgia
- Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Borah Peak, Idaho
- Menan Buttes, Idaho
- Great Rift, Idaho
- Valmeyer Anticline, Illinois
- Hanging Rock Klint, Indiana
- Fort Dodge Gypsum, Iowa
- Monument Rocks, Kansas
- Ohio Black Shale, Kentucky
- Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
- Four Corners Roadcut, Kentucky
- Avery Island, Louisiana
- Schoodic Point, Maine
- Calvert Cliffs, Maryland
- Purgatory Chasm, Massachusetts
- Nonesuch Potholes, Michigan
- Quincy Mine, Michigan
- Grand River Ledges, Michigan
- Sioux Quartzite, Minnesota
- Thomson Dikes, Minnesota
- Soudan Mine, Minnesota
- Petrified Forest, Mississippi
- Elephant Rocks, Missouri
- Grassy Mountain Nonconformity, Missouri
- Chief Mountain, Montana
- Madison Slide, Montana
- Butte Pluton, Montana
- Quad Creek Quartzite, Montana
- Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska
- Scotts Bluff, Nebraska
- Crow Creek Marlstone, Nebraska
- Sand Mountain, Nevada
- Great Unconformity, Nevada
- Flume Gorge, New Hampshire
- Palisades Sill, New Jersey
- White Sands, New Mexico
- Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico
- Shiprock Peak, New Mexico
- State Line Outcrop, New Mexico
- American Falls, New York
- Taconic Unconformity, New York
- Gilboa Forest, New York
- Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
- South Killdeer Mountain, North Dakota
- Hueston Woods, Ohio
- Big Rock, Ohio
- Kelleys Island, Ohio
- Interstate 35 Roadcut, Oklahoma
- Mount Mazama, Oregon
- Lava River Cave, Oregon
- Drake’s Folly, Pennsylvania
- Hickory Run, Pennsylvania
- Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania
- Beavertail Point, Rhode Island
- Crowburg Basin, South Carolina
- Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
- Mammoth Site, South Dakota
- Pinnacles Overlook, South Dakota
- Reelfoot Scarp, Tennessee
- Enchanted Rock, Texas
- Capitan Reef, Texas
- Paluxy River Tracks, Texas
- Upheaval Dome, Utah
- Checkerboard Mesa, Utah
- San Juan Goosenecks, Utah
- Salina Canyon Unconformity, Utah
- Bingham Stock, Utah
- Whipstock Hill, Vermont
- Great Falls, Virginia
- Natural Bridge, Virginia
- Millbrig Ashfall, Virginia
- Catoctin Greenstone, Virginia
- Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Dry Falls, Washington
- Seneca Rocks, West Virginia
- Roche-A-Cri Mound, Wisconsin
- Van Hise Rock, Wisconsin
- Amnicon Falls, Wisconsin
- Green River, Wyoming
- Devils Tower, Wyoming
- Fossil Butte, Wyoming
- Steamboat Geyser, Wyoming
- Specimen Ridge, Wyoming
Where did you go already?
Felix Bossert had the idea to set up a similar list for Germany. A first brain storm resulted in:
- Meteor Crater Nördlinger Ries (incl. Steinheimer Becken)
- Fossils Holzmaden
- Rheintal Graben
- Bayrischer Pfahl
- Riffmuseum Gerstetten
- Caves with speleothems in the Schwabian Alb
- Grube Messel Fossils
- Basalt columns Scheibenberg
- Solnhofen Fossils
- Donauversickerung
- Bohlenwand
- Rügen Chalk Cliffs
- Lange Anna on Heligoland
- Laacher See
- Elbsandstein
- Frankenjura
Of course, there are many many more to be mentioned. Any suggestion which sites to include in our list? See also this voting by the Heinz Sielmann Stiftung on Germany’s most beautiful natural wonder.
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