The EGU2015 will be held from 12 – 17 April in Vienna, but the abstract deadline is much closer: Day after tomorrow, 7 January! So if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to have a look at paleoseismology-related sessions at EGU:
- Active Tectonics and the Earthquake Cycle – TS4.1/SM6.4
- Monitoring and modelling of geodynamics and crustal deformation: progress during 34 years of the WEGENER initiative – G3.5/GD7.9/SM6.5/TS8.8
- Interactions between tectonics and surface processes from mountain belts to basins – TS3.1/GM3.4
- Understanding landscape evolution through integration of multiple approaches – TS3.2/BG2.22/GM1.9/SSP3.2.3
- Measuring and modeling interactions between earthquakes and geological processes – TS4.3/SM2.5
- Morphogenic earthquakes and the evolution of tectonic geomorphology – GM3.3/TS4.5
- Crustal deformation processes observed by InSAR, GPS and photogrammetry – TS8.4/ESSI1.7/G3.6/GD7.8/GMPV5.6
- Assessing extreme natural events for the safety of nuclear power plants – NH9.8
- Large Earthquake and Tsunami Activity – SM2.1/NH4.5
A very interesting session for Early Career Researchers is the following one:
- Publishing an open access paper – SC21/TS10.3
As always, there will be much more on earthquakes and faults, so browse the program and enjoy the meeting!
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