In this month’s paper list there are a lot of studies on the US, Greece, and New Zealand, plus interesting stuff from Russia and China and on tsunamis. But don’t miss the methodological papers, for example on underwater photogrammetry. Happy reading!
- Basili, R., Danciu, L., Beauval, C., Sesetyan, K., Vilanova, S. P., Adamia, S., Arroucau, P., Atanackov, J., Baize, S., Canora, C., Caputo, R., Carafa, M. M. C., Cushing, E. M., Custódio, S., Demircioglu Tumsa, M. B., Duarte, J. C., Ganas, A., García-Mayordomo, J., Gómez de la Peña, L., Gràcia, E., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Jomard, H., Kastelic, V., Maesano, F. E., Martín-Banda, R., Martínez-Loriente, S., Neres, M., Perea, H., Šket Motnikar, B., Tiberti, M. M., Tsereteli, N., Tsironi, V., Vallone, R., Vanneste, K., Zupančič, P., & Giardini, D. (2024). The European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): geologic input data for the European Seismic Hazard Model 2020. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(11), 3945-3976.
- Kázmér, M., Nahar, R., & Gaidzik, K. (2024). Late Holocene seismic uplift events depicted by coastal karst formations in Bali, Indonesia. Quaternary International.
- Bazán Flores, L. I., Kyriakopoulos, C., Oglesby, D. D., Meltzner, A. J., Rockwell, T. K., Fletcher, J. M., & Brothers, D. (2024). Exploring the dynamic interactions between the Southern San Andreas Fault and a normal fault under the Salton Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028621.
- Rimando, R. E., & Knuepfer, P. L. (2024). Tectonic Control of Aseismic Creep and Potential for Induced Seismicity Along the West Valley Fault in Southeastern Metro Manila, Philippines. GeoHazards, 5(4), 1172-1189.
- Garza‐Giron, R., Lay, T., & Ye, L. (2024). The Repeating Major Earthquakes in the Mexican Subduction Zone Along Oaxaca: Implications for Future Events. Seismological Research Letters.
- Magen, Y., Baer, G., Ziv, A., Inbal, A., & Nof, R. N. (2024). The Postseismic Deformation of the 6 July 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake from Burst Overlap Interferometry, InSAR, and GNSS. Seismological Research Letters.
- Shafiee, A. H., & Saadat, S. (2024). “You Already Know That the Town of Shiraz No Longer Exists”: Reappraising the May 1853 Devastating Earthquake in Shiraz, Iran. Seismological Research Letters.
- Williams, J., Stirling, M., Langridge, R., Niroula, G., Vause, A., Stewart, J., … & Wang, N. (2024). Along-strike extent of earthquakes on multi-segment reverse faults; insights from the Nevis-Cardrona Fault, Aotearoa New Zealand. Seismica, 3(2).
- Velázquez Bucio, M. M., Ferrario, M. F., Lacan, P., Muccignato, E., Pizza, M., Sridharan, A., Porfido, S., Gopalan, S., Nuñez-Meneses, A., & Michetti, A. M. (2024). Environmental Effects and Esi-07 Intensity of the Mw 7.7, September 19th, 2022, Michoacán, Mexico, Earthquake. Engineering Geology.
- Wang, Y., Wu, S. H., Chou, H. L. B., Li, Y. Y., Cheng, W. S., Ho, A., … & Shyu, J. B. H. (2024). Surface ruptures of the 2022 Guanshan-Chihshang earthquakes in central Longitudinal Valley area, eastern Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 35(1), 16.
- Sato, T., Nakamura, N., Sato, M., Kato, C., Goto, K., Watanabe, M., … & Kula, T. (2024). Ancient tsunami records in the viscous remanent magnetization of reworked boulders in the Kingdom of Tonga. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(21), e2024GL110932.
- Leclerc, F., Palagonia, S., Feuillet, N., Nomikou, P., Lampridou, D., Barrière, P., Dano, A., Ochoa, E., Gracias, N., & Escartin, J. (2024). Large seafloor rupture caused by the 1956 Amorgos tsunamigenic earthquake, Greece. Commun Earth Environ 5, 663.
- Anderson-Merritt, E.O., Cowgill, E., Keen-Zebert, A., Young, E.K., & Dailey, M. (2024). Distinguishing fault offset from climatically modulated channel deflections: Insights from the Pearblossom slip-rate site, Mojave section of the San Andreas fault, California, USA. Geosphere.
- Pinardi, S., Cox, R. T., Leslie, D., Hasan, M. R., Adhikari, N., & Van Arsdale, R. B. (2024). Topographic ridges express late Quaternary faulting peripheral to the New Madrid seismic zone, intraplate USA: Their tectonic implications. Geomorphology, 109502.
- Moss, R. E., Thompson, S. C., Kuo, C. H., Younesi, K., & Baumont, D. (2024). New probabilistic fault displacement hazard models for reverse faulting. Earthquake Spectra, 87552930241288560.
- Bao, G., Ren, Z., Liu, J., Ha, G., Ji, H., & Wang, L. (2024). Late Quaternary slip rate of the strike-slip faults on the eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin on the Tibetan Plateau and its implication on regional strain partitioning. GSA Bulletin.
- Softa, M. (2024). Unravelling the Pleistocene to Holocene earthquake chronology of the Seferihisar Fault, western Turkey: A comprehensive analysis using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and palaeoseismology. Journal of Earth System Science, 133(4), 225.
- Guo, Q., Wen, Y., Xu, C., & Zhao, X (2024). Present‐Day Tectonic Activities of Transverse Faults in the Keping Region, Southwest Tianshan. Seismological Research Letters.
- Shvarev, S. V., Nikolaeva, S. B., Bondar, I. V., Koroleva, A. O., & Komarov, A. O. (2024). Morphotectonics of the Imandra-Kolvitsky Fault and Parameters of the Focal Zone of Paleoearthquakes in the Luvenga Tundra (Kola Peninsula). Вопросы Инженерной Сейсмологии 51(2), 74-101 (in Russian/на русском языке).
- Little, T. A., Kearse, J., Kaneko, Y., & Van Dissen, R. (2024). Geometry of curved slickenlines as a function of rupture direction, asperity durability and coseismic roughening of fault surfaces. Journal of Structural Geology, 105291.
- Goodfellow, B. W., Caffee, M. W., Chmiel, G., Fritzon, R., Skelton, A., & Stroeven, A. P. (2024). The protocataclasite dilemma: in situ 36Cl and REE-Y lessons from an impure limestone fault scarp at Sparta, Greece. Solid Earth, 15(11), 1343-1363.
- Katsonopoulou, D., & Koukouvelas, I. (2024). Earthquake Environmental Effects: The Case of Late Classical-Hellenistic Helike, Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Geosciences, 14(11), 311.
- Manopkawee, P., Mankhemthong, N., Wiwegwin, W., & Kanthata, S. (2024). Spatial landscape response to active tectonics along western Mae Chan Fault, Northern Thailand. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106412.
- Nicovich, S. R., DuRoss, C. B., Thompson Jobe, J. A., Rodysill, J. R., Briggs, R. W., Hatem, A. E., … & Padgett, J. S. (2024). Shallow lake, strong shake: Record of seismically triggered lacustrine sedimentation from the 1959 M7. 3 Hebgen Lake earthquake within Henrys Lake, Idaho. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(22), e2024GL110889.
- Thomas, F., Livio, F. A., De Marchi, N., & Bitonte, R. (2024). Lithological control and structural inheritance on faults growth in multilayer foreland sequences. Journal of Structural Geology, 105287.
- Aedo, D., Melnick, D., Cisternas, M., & Brill, D. (2024). Tectonic control on great earthquake periodicity in south-central Chile. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 703.
- Huang, L., Heimisson, E. R., & Dal Zilio, L. (2024). Poroelastic effects on rupture propagation across fault stepovers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 649, 119103.
- Casella, E., Scicchitano, G., & Rovere, A. (2024). Accuracy and Precision of Shallow-Water Photogrammetry from the Sea Surface. Remote Sensing, 16(22), 4321.
- Reitman, N. G., Klinger, Y., Briggs, R. W., & Gold, R. D. (2024). Limited preservation of strike‐slip surface displacement in the geomorphic record. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(11), e2024JB028692.
- Grant, A. R., & Culhane, N. K. (2024). Global Patterns of coseismic landslide runout mobility differ from aseismic landslide trends. Engineering Geology, 107824.
- Nezamzadeh, I., Faghih, A., Oveisi, B., Kusky, T., Khajavi, N., Soleimani, M., & Meng, J. (2024). On the use of displaced river terraces to characterize active tectonics of the Zagros orogenic belt, SW Iran. Results in Earth Sciences, 100045.
- Sun, H., Yuan, D., Su, R., Li, S., Wang, Y., Wen, Y., & Chen, Y. (2024). The Seismic Surface Rupture Zone in the Western Segment of the Northern Margin Fault of the Hami Basin and Its Causal Interpretation, Eastern Tianshan. Remote Sensing, 16(22), 4200.
- Radziminovich, Y. B., Novopashina, A. V., Lukhneva, O. F., Gileva, N. A., & Kuz’mina, E. A. (2024). The September 21, 2020 (Mw= 5.6) Bystraya Earthquake at the South-Western Flank of the Baikal Rift Zone: a Milestone in Macroseismology of Eastern Siberia. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 60(5), 944-959.
- Diercks, M., Hussain, E., Mildon, Z. K., Boulton, S. J., & Lazecký, M. (2024). Active deformation across the Western Anatolian Extensional Province (Türkiye) from Sentinel-1 InSAR. Tectonics, 43, e2023TC008086.
- Testa, A., Boncio, P., Pace, B., Mirabella, F., Pauselli, C., Ercoli, M., … & Baize, S. (2024). Probabilistic fault displacement Hazard analysis in an extensional setting: Application to a strategic Dam and methodological implications. Engineering Geology, 107817.
- Mere, A. M., Barth, N. C., Schwartz, J. J., & Kylander‐Clark, A. (2024). Slip history, tectonic evolution, and fault zone structure along the southern Alpine Fault, New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(11), e2024GC011839.
- Wizevich, M. C., Simpson, E. L., Underwood, A., Sherrod, L., Livingston, K., Bogner, E., & Malenda, M. (2024). Anatomy of modern sedimentary volcanoes produced by gas‐charged groundwater liquefaction, Lake Powell, Hite, Utah: Implications for the recognition and interpretation of ancient sedimentary volcanoes. The Depositional Record.
- Gavin, D. G., Struble, W. T., & Fonstad, M. A. (2024). Holocene lake sediments reveal alluvial fan history with links to climate, wildfire, and earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129(11), e2024JF007778.
- Ren, Z., Zielke, O., Shyu, J. B. H., & Walker, R. (2024). High-resolution geological studies of seismogenic structures. Journal of Structural Geology, 105306.
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