What’s up? The Friday links (37)

The early bird registration for the Acambay2012 workshop ends on 1 July. Until then, you pay max $190, later it will be up to $250. The 3rd INQUA-IGCP567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology takes place in Morelia, Mexico, from 19 – 24 November 2012. It is held due to the 100th anniversary of the Acambay earthquake (1912). Check the workshop website for more information, this will be a great meeting, I am sure, so I will go there.

Beautiful Earthquake Map

IDVSolutions has produced a great map of worldwide Earthquakes since 1988. It’s not only interesting because of the event distribution, but this is also just a beautiful work.

Five oustanding questions in geoscience

EarthMagazine asked researchers to name five oustanding questions in geoscience. According to them they are:

  1. Where are the big magma chambers that produce huge super-eruptions?
  2. How stable is the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and what does it mean for global sea levels?
  3. Is there life on any other planetary body in our solar system?
  4. How will climate change affect forests and dry-land vegetation and, in turn, affect atmospheric composition?
  5. So we know a lot about dinosaur fossils, what about dinosaur biology?

I am a little disappointed, as you might guess, since my interest focusses on completely different topics. There’s so much still to be learned in tectonics…

Cake geology

Have you seen the stratigraphic cake / the cake stratigraphy? If not, check this photo by Khol? on Flickr. Reminds me on the Accretionary Wedge that dealt with the Geology Bake Sale… By the way, this cake got 30 likes on the Paleoseismicity-Facebook page, while the “scientific” links are rarely liked by more than 10 people. First the grub, then the morals, geoscience friends???

 Tsunami height app

Now there is an app from Japan which in case of a tsunami warning visualizes the expected water height at your current location. I am absolutely not sure what to think about that, but I tend to judge that this is a rather bad idea. What if their prediction is wrong? How precise is their terrain model? How can they take into account building effects? Wouldn’t it be better to head to higher ground than to stare at your iPad?


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Earthquake Exhibition

Austin Elliott from The Trembling Earth is really excited after having visited the new Cal Academy Earthquake Exhibition. Read his article and I am sure you will also want to go there.

Periodic Table

Are you into geochemistry? Then you MUST check out the Periodic Table of Elements and their Ions for Geoscientists. With pop-ups, but good ones!


This video is rather old (from 2002?), but has caused some attention recently. It’s funny and fascinating, so have a look and please do not litter volcanoes!


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Hot jobs in Australia

Are you a High-Temperature Geoscientists? If yes, check these job offers from Monash University Synchrotron, Australia. They also hire Low-Temperature Geoscientists…


Have a nice weekend!

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Christoph Grützner

Christoph Grützner

works at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Jena University. He likes Central Asia and the Mediterranean and looks for ancient earthquakes.

See all posts Christoph Grützner


  • Felix Bossert | 2012-06-30|20:10 (UTC)

    Wie Sie bestimmt schon gelesen haben, gibt es in der Geoblogsphere ein Meme die 10 bzw. 101 wichtigsten geologischen Orte eines Landes zu bestimmen:


    Ich denke die Spezialisten für die deutsche Liste sind alle bei “Paleoseismicity” 😉 .

    Ich schlage von meinem süddeutschen Standpunkt aus vor:

    Meteorkrater Nördlinger Ries (mit Steinheimer Becken)
    Fossilien Holzmaden
    Rheintal Graben
    Bayrischer Pfahl
    Riffmuseum Gerstetten
    Tropfsteinhöhlen Schwäbische Alb
    Grube Messel
    Basaltsäulen Scheibenberg

  • Christoph | 2012-07-03|09:27 (UTC)

    Dear Felix,

    das ist eine gute Idee!

    *switching to EN*

    I really like your list, and immediately we had a nice discussion here in our institute on which places to add.
    We were thinking of:
    – Solnhofen
    – Donauschwinde
    – Bohlenwand
    – Kreidefelsen Rügen
    – Lange Anna on Heligoland
    – Laacher See
    – Elbsandstein
    – Frankenjura etc.

    So, it looks like it will rather be 101 instead of 10 places. A good start may be to check this book: “Die bedeutendsten Geotope Deutschlands” (Germany’s most important Geotopes): http://www.amazon.de/Faszination-Geologie-bedeutendsten-Geotope-Deutschlands/dp/3510652193
    I am not sure whether or not to include museums as well.

    I will start a poll this week! Thanks again for that nice idea. By the way, the actual WoGE #350 is still not solved…


  • Felix Bossert | 2012-07-04|19:05 (UTC)

    I’ve just found this list:


    where you can vote for geological locations in Germany!!

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